Excel Add-in User Guide
Excel Add-in Download (v3.49)
Quick Links:
Download and Installation
To begin, review the minimum system requirements here.
On this page you will find the installation instructions and the sample document to get you started. The actual installation file link is included inside of the installation instruction document.
Logging in to the Sample Document
The provided sample document is a good jumping off point to get started with the Money.Net Excel Add-in. To launch the file click on your Start Menu and Navigate to All Programs/All Apps. Then in the Money.Net Excel Add-in section, click on Money.Net Excel Add-in.
Use your regular Money.Net credentials to log in. Remember that your username will be your full email address that you used to register your Money.Net account.
Real Time Quote Data
The first sheet in the workbook is labeled Most Common Data Points and will give you access to real time market data for U.S. Equities, Options, and FX (and delayed and end of day where applicable). You will see several example tickers to get you started.
It may take a few moments to populate (depending on your system), but you should start to see the fields updating in real time. You can edit any of the Ticker fields on the left to any valid ticker symbol from the Money.Net platform.
For examples of ticker formats, use the Symbology Guide.
If you would like more rows for ticker symbols, the easiest method is to copy several of the already working rows and paste them below the already working ones. Once pasted, you can replace the ticker symbol just like before.
To read a quick explanation of the Real Time Data function, click on the second worksheet titled Real Time Data.
here for a list of all available Real Time Fields.
ClickHistorical Quote Data
The third sheet in the sample document is labeled Historical Quote Data and provides an example of how to acquire historical data for valid Money.Net tickers.
The available frequency options for Historical Stock Data are:
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Quarterly
The available frequency options for Historical Fundamental Data are:
Annually, Quarterly, TTM
here for a list of all available Historical Fields.
ClickThe fields that you will want to modify in this form are the Symbol, Field, Start, End, and Frequency.
For Start and End dates:
Use the date format that your computer is defaulted to. For example, this machine is defaulted to the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:SS.
Real Time data fields are single fields and can be edited by simply changing what you desire and pressing Enter. Historical and other fields that can potentially fill several rows of data have to be edited differently. You must hold CTRL+SHIFT while you press enter. Otherwise you will receive the "You can't change part of an array" error.