Excel Historical Fields

Excel Historical Fields



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AllianceArrangement between two companies that have decided to share resources to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project.      
Asset PurchaseAgreement between buyer and seller to acquire an organization's assets.      
Asset SateA sale of bank receivables by a bank to another party      
BU CloseBusiness Unit Close      
BU PurchaseBusiness Unit Purchase      
BU SaleBusiness Unit Sale      
Business ExpansionExpansion is the phase of the business cycle when the economy moves from a trough to a peak.      
Business Update
BuybackThe purchase by a company of its outstanding shares that reduces the number of its shares on the open market      
Buyback UpdateWhen a company buys back its own shares from the marketplace, usually because management thinks the shares are undervalued, reducing the number of outstanding shares      
CEO Change When the highest-ranking executive in a company is replaced with someone else      
Contract Win
Credit FacilityType of loan made in a business or corporate finance context, including revolving credit, term loans, committed facilities, letters of credit and most retail credit accounts      
Credit RatingAn assessment of the creditworthiness of a borrower in general terms or with respect to a particular debt or financial obligation      
DivestmentThe opposite of an investment, and it is the process of selling an asset for either financial, social or political goals.      
DividendA distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors, to a class of its shareholders      
DownsizingReducing the size of a company by eliminating workers and/or divisions within the company       
Earnings CalendarThe months of the year in which a majority of quarterly corporate earnings are released to the public      
Earnings PreviewEarnings expectations      
Earnings ReleaseWhen let shareholders know how well they have performed over the past time period      
Earnings RestatementCorrections in financial statements      
GuidanceAn aid to financial analysts and the stock market in valuing the corporation, and helps prevent overvaluation      
Impairments/ChargesAn accounting principle that describes a permanent reduction in the value of a company's asset, normally a fixed asset      
InvestmentAn asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or will appreciate in the future      
Issue DebtA financial obligation that allows the issuer to raise funds by promising to repay the lender at a certain point in the future and in accordance with the terms of the contract      
Issue EquityThe value of an asset less the value of all liabilities on that asset      
Joint VentureA business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task      
Joint Venture closeOnce a business arrangement has been agreed      
LayoffA risk reduction, made by investment bankers, that minimizes the potential downside associated with a commitment to purchase and sell a stock issue unsubscribed by stockholders holding rights      
License AgreementA written agreement entered into by the contractual owner of a property or activity giving permission to another to use that property or engage in an activity in relation to that property      
M&A AnnouncementThe announvement of the consolidation of companies or assets      
Patents & CopyrightsOwnership of intellectual property by the item's creator      
Poison PillTactic utilized by companies to prevent or discourage hostile takeovers      
Product RecallThe process of retrieving defective goods from consumers and providing those consumers with compensation      
Product/ServiceThe process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or service      
RedemptionThe return of an investor's principal in a fixed-income security, such as a preferred stock or bond, or the sale of units in a mutual fund      
ReoarganisationA process designed to revive a financially troubled or bankrupt firm      
SalesA transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods, services and/or assets in exchange for money      
Spin-offThe creation of an independent company through the sale or distribution of new shares of an existing business or division of a parent company      
Stock SplitA corporate action in which a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares      
StrategyStrategy that typically allows consumers to purchase products that are customized to their specifications      
Tender OfferAn offer to purchase some or all of shareholders' shares in a corporation      
CloseThe closing price of the symbol from the previous trading day. (##.######)DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
HighThe highest price for the equity during the current trading day. (##.######)DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
LastThe price of the last trade of the current symbol. (##.######)      
LowThe lowest price for the equity during the current trading day. (##.######)DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
VolumeThe volume of shares traded during the current trading day. (#######)DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
OpenThe price at which the first trade occurred during market hours. (##.######)DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Open InterestFor options and futures, the open interest for the contract (##.######)      
SettleFor futures, the settlement price. (##.######)DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
SMASimple Moving Average - an arithmetic moving average calculated by adding the closing price of the security for a number of time periods and then dividing this total by the number of time periodsDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
EMAExponential Moving Average - type of moving average that is similar to a simple moving average, except that more weight is given to the latest dataDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
TMATriangular Moving Average - A technical indicator used for smoothing price and other data. It is a composite of a single exponential moving average, a double exponential moving average and a triple exponential moving averageDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
WMAWeighted Moving Average -  the formula used by active traders to measure momentumDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
BBUPPERBollinger Band Upper - when prices are thought to be overbought, the upper band comes to represent the upper price targetDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
BBMIDDLEBollinger Band Middle - Exponential moving average; the price channels are the standard deviations of the stock being studiedDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
BBLOWERBollinger Band Lower - when prices are thought to be oversoldDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
SARParabolic SAR - technical analysis strategy that uses a trailing stop and reverse method called "SAR," or stop-and-reversal, to determine good exit and entry pointsDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
TSFTime Series Forecast - Prediction based on the assumption that the trend of variations in the value of a variable will continue to recur in the future; that tomorrow will more or less resemble yesterday and today.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
TYPPRICETypical Price - arithmetic average of the high, low, and closing prices for a given periodDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
ADAccumulation Distribution - a momentum indicator that attempts to gauge supply and demand by determining whether investors are generally "accumulating," or "distributing," a certain stock by identifying divergences between stock price and volume flowDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
ASIAccumulation Swing Index - An indicator used by traders to gauge a security's long-term trend by comparing bars which contain its opening, closing, high and low prices throughout a specific period of timeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
ARDOWNAroon Down -  a technical indicator used for identifying trends in an underlying security and the likelihood that the trends will reverse, which measures the downtrendDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
ARUPAroon Up - a technical indicator used for identifying trends in an underlying security and the likelihood that the trends will reverse, which measures the uptrendDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
AROSCAroon Oscillator - technical indicator used for identifying trends in an underlying security and the likelihood that the trends will reverseDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
ADXLINEAverage Directional Index Line - indicator used in technical analysis as an objective value for the strength of a trend. ADX is non-directional so it quantifies a trend's strength regardless of whether it is up or downDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
PLUSDIPlus Directional Index - analyzes the trend of a stock or a commodity.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
MINUSDIMinus Directional Index - analyzes the trend of a stock or a commodity.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
ATRAverage True Range - a measure of volatilityDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
BETABeta - a measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a wholeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
CMFChaikin Money Flow - studies indicators that allow the investor to make sharper entry and exit points in his or her trading programDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
CHANGEChange - the difference between the current price and the previous day's settlement priceDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
CHANGEPCTChange % - the degree of change over timeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
CCICommodity Channel Index - An oscillator used in technical analysis to help determine when an investment vehicle has been overbought and oversoldDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
DPODetrended Price Oscillator - An oscillator that strips out price trends in an effort to estimate the length of price cycles from peak to peak, or trough to troughDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
EOMEase of Movement - A technical momentum indicator that is used to illustrate the relationship between the rate of an asset's price change and its volumeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
FIForce Index - An indicator used in technical analysis to illustrate how strong the actual buying or selling pressure isDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
HISTVOLHistorical Volatility -Tthe realized volatility of a financial instrument over a given time periodDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
MACDLINEMACD Line - A trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of pricesDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
MACDEMAMACD EMA Signal - Type of moving average that is similar to a simple moving average, except that more weight is given to the latest dataDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
MACDHISTMACD Histogram - A measurement of the difference between the fast MACD line and the signal lineDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
MASSINDEXMass Index - A form of technical analysis that examines the range between high and low stock prices over a period of timeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
MFIMoney Flow Index - A momentum indicator that measures the inflow and outflow of money into a security over a specific period of timeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
NVINegative Volume Index - A technical indicator that relies on changes in a security’s volume to identify when smart money is driving the current trendDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
OBVOnbalance Volume - A momentum indicator that uses volume flow to predict changes in stock priceDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
PPOLINEPPO Line - The percentage price oscillator (PPO) is a technical momentum indicator showing the relationship between two moving averagesDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
PPOSIGNALPPO EMA Signal - To calculate the PPO, subtract the 26-day exponential moving average (EMA) from the nine-day EMA, and then divide this difference by the 26-day EMADAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
PPOHISTPPO Histogram - Difference between the two lines which oscillate above and below a center Zero LineDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
PVIPositive Volume Index - An indicator used in technical analysis that is based on days where trading volume has significantly increased from the previous dayDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
PVMAPrice times Volume SMA - Average of the cash traded on a stock over the specified periodDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
PVTPrice Volume Trend - a technical analysis indicator intended to relate price and volume in the stock marketDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
RSIRelative Strength Index - A momentum indicator that compares the magnitude of recent gains and losses over a specified time period to measure speed and change of price movements of a securityDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
CUTLERSRSICutlers RSI - Simple moving average based version of the popular Relative Strength Index momentum oscillatorDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
REVERSERSIReverse RSI - It allows you to reverse engineer Relative Strength Index valuesDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
SHARPERATIOSharpe Ratio - A measure for calculating risk-adjusted return, and this ratio has become the industry standard for such calculationsDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
SDStandard Deviation - A statistical measurement that sheds light on historical volatilityDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
FSTKFast Stochastic %K - a momentum indicator comparing the closing price of a security to the range of its prices over a certain period of timeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
FSTDFast Stochastic %D - 3-period moving average of %KDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
SSTKSlow Stochastic %K - a momentum indicator that shows the location of the close relative to the high-low range over a set number of periodsDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
FLSTKFull Stochastic %K - Fast %K smoothed with X-period SMADAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
STOCHRSIStochastic RSI - An indicator used in technical analysis that ranges between zero and one and is created by applying the Stochastic Oscillator formula to a set of Relative Strength Index (RSI) values rather than standard price dataDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
TRIXTRIX - A momentum indicator used by technical traders that shows the percentage change in a triple exponentially smoothed moving averageDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
ULTOSCUltimate Oscillator - A technical indicator that uses the weighted average of three different time periods to reduce the volatility and false transaction signals that are associated with many other indicators that mainly rely on a single time periodDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
CHAIKINVOLChaikin Volatility - the difference between two moving averages of a volume weighted accumulation-distribution lineDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
WMRWilliams %R - a momentum indicator that measures overbought and oversold levels, comparable to a stochastic oscillatorDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
HIGHLOWSPREADCandle High Low Spread - Candlestick that displays the high price of a security for a specific periodDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
REALBODYCandle Real Body - the wide part of a candle that represents the range between the opening and the closing prices over a specific time periodDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
UPPERSHADOWCandle Upper Shadow - Upper shadows represent the session highDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
LOWERSHADOWCandle Lower Shadow - Lower shadows represent the session lowDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
HEIKINASHIOPENPRICEHeikin-Ashi Open Price - The average of the open and closeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
HEIKINASHIHIGHPRICEHeikin-Ashi High Price - The highest point on the current candleDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
HEIKINASHILOWPRICEHeikin-Ashi Low Price - The lowest point of the current candleDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
HEIKINASHICLOSEPRICEHeikin-Ashi Close Price - average of the open, high, low, closeDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,  ANNUAL
3 Year Annual Capital Spending Growth RateThe 3-Year Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of capital spending, this figure is derived by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate, where n is the number of years in the period (3) being considered.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
3 Year Annual Income Growth RateThe 3-Year Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of annual income, this figure is derived by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate, where n is the number of years in the period (3) being considered.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
3 Year Annual R&D Growth RateThe 3-Year Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of research and development, this figure is derived by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate, where n is the number of years in the period (3) being considered.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Annual Capital Spending Growth RateThe 5-Year Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of capital spending, this figure is derived by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate, where n is the number of years in the period (5) being considered.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Annual R&D Growth RateThe 5-Year Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of research and development, this figure is derived by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate, where n is the number of years in the period (5) being considered.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average Debt Equity RatioThe sum of the previous 5 years of long-term debt divided by the sum of the previous 5 years of common stock equity, expressed as percentage-data taken from the annual reports (5 Year Average).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average Pre Tax Profit MarginThe sum of the previous 5 years of pre-tax earnings from continuing operations (not including discontinued or extraordinary items) divided by the sum of the previous 5 years of revenue, expressed as percentage-data taken from the annual reports (5 Year Average).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average R&D As Percent Of SalesThe average of the previous 5 years of Research and Development expenses divided by the average of the previous 5 years of revenue, data taken from the annual reportsDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average Return On EquityThe average of the previous 5 years of Return on Equity values, the Net Income from Total Operations divided by Common Equity, data taken from the annual reportsDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average SG&A As Percent Of SalesThe sum of the previous 5 years of selling, general and administrative expenses divided by the sum of the previous 5 years of revenue, expressed as percentage-data taken from the annual reports (5 Year Average).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average Total Debt Equity RatioThe sum of the previous 5 years of short-term debt and long-term debt divided by the sum of the previous 5 years of common stock equity, expressed as percentage-data taken from the annual reports (5 Year Average).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accounts PayableRepresents the claims of trade creditors for unpaid goods or services that are due within the normal operating cycle of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accounts Payable (Cash Flow)Represents the change in the amount of accounts payable from one year to the next as reported in the cash flow statement.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accounts Receivable ChangeRepresents the change in the amount of receivables net of allowances from one year to the next.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accounts Receivables NetRepresents claims against customers for merchandise sold or services performed in the ordinary course of business.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accrued ExpensesReturns accrued expenses for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accumulated DepreciationRepresents expense related to the fixed assets still carried on the books of the company. Sometimes the term reserve for depreciation is used.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accumulated Depreciation - Construction in ProgressAccumulated Depreciation - Construction in Progress.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accumulated Depreciation - Machinery & EquipmentRepresents the portion of accumulated depreciation that relates to the reduction in the useful economic life of the machinery and equipment.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accumulated Minority InterestRepresents the portion of the net worth (at par or stated value) of a subsidiary pertaining to shares not owned by the controlling company and its consolidated subsidiaries. If minority interest is shown on the asset side, it is updated as a negative and the total assets are adjusted to exclude it.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Accumulated Other Compensation Income - Other AdjustmentsAccum Other Comp Inc - Other Adjustments.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Additional Paid - In Capital or Capital Surplus (including Deferred Compensation)Represents the amount received in excess of par value from the sale of common stock. Along with common stock it is the equity capital received from parties outside the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Amortization of Intangible AssetsRepresents the cost allocation for intangible assets such as patents and leasehold improvements, trademarks, book plates, tools and film costs. It is a non-cash charge.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Asset TurnoverReturns asset turnover for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Capital ExpendituresReturns total capital expenditures for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cash & Due from BanksRepresents amounts due to the bank from other banks.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cash & Short Term InvestmentsRepresents the sum of cash and short term investments.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cash Dividends PaidRepresents the total common and preferred dividends paid to shareholders of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Change in Capital StockReturns sale/repurchase of stock, net for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Change in Current DebtRepresents the increase or decrease in short-term borrowings from one year to the next as reported in the cash flow statement.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Changes in Working CapitalRepresents the net change in working capital apart from the increase/decrease in short term borrowings and increase/decrease in cash & equivalents.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Common EquityRepresents common shareholders' investment in the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Common Stock Par or Carry ValueRepresents the par or stated value of the issued common shares of the company. It includes the value of all multiple shares. Along with capital surplus it is the equity capital received from parties outside the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Consolidated Net IncomeRepresents consolidated net income for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) including Depreciation and AmortizationReturns the cost of goods sold for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cumulative Translation AdjustmentRepresents the gains and losses from the translation of foreign currency. These amounts are not recognized as part of the current income but will be realized when the foreign entity is sold or liquidated. It is shown as part of Shareholders' Equity and is based on the current rate of exchange.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Customer Liability on AcceptancesRepresents funds from customers (usually borrowed from the bank), which by agreement are deposited in the bank. The agreement is supported by a letter of credit, which alloFF the funds to be used only for a specific purpose.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Decrease in LoansRepresents the decrease in loans from one period to the next. It includes: principal collected on loans and leases and proceeds from loan sales. This item is typically found under Investing Activities in a Cash Flow Statement.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Deferred Tax AssetsRepresents the debit balance of the deferred tax account. It is the amount of tax benefit which has been deferred to some future period.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Deferred Tax LiabilitiesRepresents the credit balance of the deferred tax account. It is the amount of tax charge which has been deferred to some future period.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Deferred TaxesRepresents the accumulation of taxes which are deferred as a result of timing differences between reporting sales and expenses for tax and financial reporting purposes.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Deferred Taxes & Investment Tax CreditRepresents the increase or decrease in the deferred tax liability from one year to the next resulting from timing differences in recognition of revenue and expenses for tax and financial reporting purposes. Deferred taxes are shown net of investment tax credits.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Deferred Taxes (excluding Investment Tax Credits)Represents the increase or decrease in the deferred tax liability from one year to the next resulting from timing differences in recognition of revenue and expenses for tax and financial reporting purposes. It is a non-cash charge.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
DepreciationDepreciation represents the process of allocating the cost of a depreciable asset to the accounting periods covered during its expected useful life to a business.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Depreciation & AmortizationDepreciation represents the process of allocating the cost of a depreciable asset to the accounting periods covered during its expected useful life to a business. It is a non-cash charge for use and obsolescence of an asset.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Depreciation or Depletion (excluding Amortization)Depreciation represents the process of allocating the cost of a depreciable asset to the accounting periods covered during its expected useful life to a business. It is a non-cash charge.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
EBITDA (From Cash Flow)Returns earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation & amortization (EBITDA) with preference for depreciation & amortization from the Cash Flow statement for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
EPS (Diluted)The TTM diluted earnings per share from total operations.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
EPS (Recurring)Represents diluted earnings per share before unusual expenses for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
EPS From Continuing OperationsRepresents the per share amount earned by a company before any gain/loss adjustment for discontinued operations and extraordinary items but after preferred dividends are deducted.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Equity in Earnings of Affiliates IncomeRepresents that portion of the earnings or losses of a subsidiary whose financial accounts are not consolidated with the controlling company's assets.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Exchange Rate EffectRepresents the effect of translating from one currency to another on the cash flow of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Extraordinary Gains or Losses from Sale of AssetExtraordinary gains or losses from the sale of an asset.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Extraordinary ItemRepresents gains and losses resulting from non-recurring unusual events.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Extraordinary Items (Including Accounting Change)Returns extraordinary items including accounting change for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Federal Home Loan Advances Increase (Decrease)Federal Home Loan Advances Increase (Decrease).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Foreign Currency Adjustment (Net)Represents realized foreign currency gains and losses. Transaction gains or losses happen when the exchange rate changes between the date of purchase and the date of sale.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Free Cash FlowReturns free cash flow for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Funds from OperationsRepresents the sum of net income and all non-cash charges or credits. It is the cash flow of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Gross IncomeRepresents the difference between sales or revenues and cost of goods sold and depreciation.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Income Tax PayableRepresents an accrued tax liability which is due within the normal operating cycle of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Income TaxesRepresents all income taxes levied on the income of a company by federal, state and foreign governments.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Increase in LoansRepresents the increase in loans from one period to the next. It includes: loans originated or acquired, leases made to customers, purchase of loan portfolios. This item is typically found under Investing Activities in a Cash Flow Statement.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Insurance Policy Liabilities - InsuranceRepresents the sum of benefit and loss reserves, unearned premiums, policy and contract claims and other reserves.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Intangible AssetsRepresents other assets not having a physical existence. The value of these assets lie in their expected future return.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Interest ExpenseReturns interest expense, net of interest capitalized for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Interest IncomeRepresents income received from all earning assets such as loans and investment securities.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Interest ReceivablesRepresents all the interest income due but not yet collected.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
InventoriesRepresents tangible items or merchandise net of advances and obsolescence acquired for either (1) resale directly or (2) included in the production of finished goods manufactured for sale in the normal course of operation.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Inventories - Finished GoodsRepresents the inventory of goods which are ready for sale.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Inventories - Progress Payments & OtherRepresents other inventories effecting Total Inventories but not included in Finished goods, Work in Process or Raw Materials.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Inventories - Raw MaterialsRepresents the inventory of raw materials or supplies that indirectly or directly enter into the production of finished goods.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Inventories - Work In ProgressRepresents the inventory of products which are in various stages of production. Data for this field is generally not available prior to 1989.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Inventories (Cash Flow)Represents the change in the amount of inventories from one year to the next as reported in the cash flow statement.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Invested Capital - TotalReturns total invested capital for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Investment in Unconsolidated AffiliatesRepresents long-term investments and advances in unconsolidated affiliates in which the company has a business relationship or exercises control. It includes joint ventures.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Investment SecuritiesRepresents securities owned by the firm as part of their portfolio.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
InvestmentsRepresents investment in securities which directly or indirectly creates a loan made by the bank.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Investments and Long-Term ReceivablesReturns investments and LT Receivables for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Issuance or Reduction of Debt, NetReturns net issuance/reduction of debt for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Leverage RatioThe total assets divided by total stockholder's equity (TTM).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Loan Loss ProvisionRepresents losses that the bank expects to take as a result of uncollectible or troubled loans.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Long-Term Note ReceivableRepresents amounts due from customers which will not be collected within the normal operating cycle of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Losses, Claims & ReservesReturns Losses, Benefits, Adjusted & LT Reserves for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Minority Interest ExpenseRepresents the portion of earnings/losses of a subsidiary pertaining to common stock not owned by the controlling company or other members of the consolidated group.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Miscellaneous FundsReturns miscellaneous funds for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Assets from AcquistionsRepresents assets acquired through pooling of interests or mergers. It does not include capital expenditures of acquired companies.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Change in CashRepresents the change in cash and short term investments from one year to the next. This item is available only when the Statement of Changes in Financial Position is based on cash and short term investments.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Financing Active Other Cash FlowReturns other financing activities for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Financing Cash FlowReturns net cash from financing activities for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net GoodwillRepresents the excess cost over the fair market value of the net assets purchased. It is included in other intangible assets.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Income - After Extraordinary ItemsReturns net income after extrardinary items for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Income (Starting Line)Represents the beginning figure of the sources and uses statement as defined by the company. For U.S. corporations, it is usually the net income reported by the company before discontinued operations, extraordinary items and provision for preferred and common dividends.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Income Available to CommonReturns net income available to common basic EPS before extraordinaries for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Income From Total OperationsNet income from total operations.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Interest IncomeRepresents the difference between the total interest income and total interest expense of the bank.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Interest Income after Loan Loss ProvisionReturns net interest after loan loss provision for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Investing Cash FlowReturns net cash from investing activities for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net LoansRepresents the total amount of money loaned to customers after deducting reserves for loan losses.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Operating Cash FlowReturns net cash from operating activities for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Property, Plant & EquipmentRepresents Gross Property, Plant and Equipment less accumulated reserves for depreciation, depletion and amortization.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Non - Operating ExpenseReturns total non-operating income for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Non-Equity ReservesRepresents a reserve set aside from shareholders' equity with no designated payee. This item is only applicable to non-U.S. corporations.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Non-Interest ExpenseRepresents all expenses of the bank except interest expense and provision for loan losses.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Non-Interest Income - BanksRepresents all other operating revenues of the bank besides interest income.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Non-Operating Income (Expense)Returns total non-operating income for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Operating IncomeRepresents the difference between sales and total operating expenses.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Operating Income after Interest ExpenseReturns operating income after interest expense for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Operating Income before Interest ExpenseReturns operating income before interest expense for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Operating Lease ExpenseRepresents the amount of rental expense paid for operating leases during the year.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Ordinary IncomeRepresents the operating profit plus any non-operating income minus any non-operating expense before any extraordinary items. This item is only available for Japanese companies.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other AccrualsRepresents the change in the amount of accruals from one year to the next as reported in the cash flow statement.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other After Tax AdjustmentsRepresents miscellaneous items reported net of tax which are included in the company's net income.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other AssetsReturns other assets for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other Current AssetsReturns other current assets for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other Current LiabilitiesReturns other current liabilities for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other Financing Activities (Sources)Represents any other funds derived from financing activities not included in additions to stock, proceeds from stock options, long-term borrowings, increase/decrease of short-term debt, reduction of long-term debt, total cash dividends paid or common/preferred redeemed, retired, converted or purchased.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other Funds (Non Cash)Represents non-cash items included in funds from operations other than net income, depreciation, depletion and amortization, and deferred taxes. In cases where the start line reported by the company is other than net income some cash items may be included.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other Intangible AssetsRepresents all other assets of the company besides current assets, long term receivables, investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries, other investments and net property, plant and equipment.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other LiabilitiesReturns other liabilities for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other Liabilities (excluding Deferred Revenue)Represents all other liabilities of the company besides current liabilities, long-term debt, provision for risk and charges and deferred taxes.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other Operating ExpenseRepresents all other operating expenses besides interest expense, salaries and benefits expense, equipment expense and provision for loan losses.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other SourcesRepresents any other funds derived from the investing activities and not included in capital expenditures, net assets from acquisitions, increase in investments or additions to property. It includes but is not restricted to: decrease in federal funds sold, decrease in securities purchased under agreements to resell, increase in bank card receivables and collection of longer-term loans. This item is typically found under Investing Activities in a Cash Flow Statement.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Other UsesRepresents any other funds employed in investing activities and not included in capital expenditures, net assets from acquisitions, increase in investments, decrease in investments or additions to property.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Pre Tax Profit MarginReturns pretax margin for the period and date(s) requested.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Preferred DividendsRepresents actual cash dividend payment on preferred stock or the provision for preferred dividends, if in arrears. It also includes accretion on preferred stock.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Preferred Stock - Carrying ValueRepresents a claim prior to the common shareholders on the earnings of a company and on the assets in the event of liquidation.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Premium Balance Receivables - InsuranceRepresents unpaid premiums due from policyholders.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Prepaid ExpensesRepresents payments made in advance for services to be received within the normal operating cycle of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Pretax IncomeRepresents all income/loss before any federal, state or local taxes. Extraordinary items reported net of taxes are excluded.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
PropertyRepresents the architectural structure used in a business such as a factory, office complex or warehouse.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
PropertyRepresents the real estate without buildings held for productive use. Land is recorded at its purchase price plus any costs related to its purchase such as lawyer's fees, escrow fees, title and recording fees.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Provision for Risks ChargesFor non-U.S. corporations, this item includes provisions for pension funds, repairs and maintenance, litigation claims, etc.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Purchase or Sale of InvestmentsReturns purchase/sale of investments for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Real Estate AssetsFor Banks this represents property owned by the bank but not classified as part of premises or equipment. It includes but is not restricted to: Real estate acquired from foreclosures, Lands held for resale, Lands held for future branch expansion. For Insurance and Other Financial Companies this represents the company's investment in real estate. This item does not include real estate used in the operation of the company. For Industrial Companies this represents a company's investment in real estate and property.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Receivables Per Day SalesThe average collection period. It indicates the average length of time a firm must wait after making a sale before it receives payment. Equals Accounts Receivable divided by Sales divided by 360 (TTM).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Receivables TurnoverReturns sales divided by receivables for the period and date(s) requested.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Research & DevelopmentRepresents all direct and indirect costs related to the creation and development of new processes, techniques, applications and products with commercial possibilities.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Research and Development As Percent Of SalesReturns research and development as a percent of sales for the period and date(s) requested.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Reserves Increase (Decrease)Represents allocations to and/or from discretionary reserves and is most common in European countries. Only allocations to reserves included in net income apply.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Retained EarningsRepresents the accumulated after tax earnings of the company which have not been distributed as dividends to shareholders or allocated to a reserve account.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Sale of Fixed Assets and BusinessesRepresents the amount a company received from the sale of property, plant and equipment.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Securities In CustodyRepresents securities borrowed from other financial institutions to be used as temporary collateral for loans. It is also securities deposited by the customers as collateral for margin transactions.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Selling General and Administrative Expenses SG& A And OtherReturns selling, general & admin expense & other for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
SG& A Excluding OtherRepresents expenses not directly attributable to the production process but relating to selling, general and administrative functions.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Short Term Debt (including Current Portion of Long Term Debt)Represents that portion of debt payable within one year including current portion of long-term debt and sinking fund requirements of preferred stock or debentures.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Short Term ReceivablesRepresents the amounts due to the company resulting from the sale of goods and services on credit to customers (after applicable reserves). These assets should reasonably be expected to be collected within a year or within the normal operating cycle of a business.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Stock Option Compensation ExpenseStock Option Compensation Expense.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Tangible Other AssetsRepresents other assets not delineated other than intangibles.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Tier 1 CapitalRepresents the primary capital supporting the lending and deposit activities of a bank. Data for this field is generally not available prior to 1996 for non-U.S. companies and 1991 for U.S. companies.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Tier 2 CapitalRepresents the supplemental capital supporting the lending and deposit activities of a bank. Data for this field is generally not available prior to 1996 for non-U.S. companies and 1991 for U.S. companies.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Current AssetsRepresents cash and other assets that are reasonably expected to be realized in cash, sold or consumed within one year or one operating cycle.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Current LiabilitiesRepresents debt or other obligations that the company expects to satisfy within one year.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Customer DepositsRepresents the value of money held by the bank or financial company on behalf of its customers.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Debt To Equity RatioReturns total debt as a percent of total equity for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total DepositsRepresents the value of money held by the bank or financial company on behalf of its customers.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total EquityRepresents total equity for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Interest Expense - BanksRepresents the total amount of interest paid by the bank.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Investments and AdvancesReturns total investments and advances for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Liabilities & Stockholders EquityRepresents the sum of total liabilities, minority interest, non-equity reserves, preferred stock and common equity.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Operating ExpensesRepresents the sum of all expenses related to operations.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Shareholders EquityReturns total shareholders' equity for the period and date(s) request in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Unusual ExpenseReturns unusual expense for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Working CapitalReturns total working capital for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
ADR To Common Share RatioRepresents the relationship between the American Depositary Receipt and the common share represented by the ADR. For example, an ADR ratio of 5 represents that 5 shares of the ADR are equivalent to 1 outstanding share. This multiplier is used to adjust the shares of the underlying non-U.S. company to arrive at the ADRequivalent shares. It is the reciprocal of the ADR exchange ratio.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Book ValueThe same as shareholder's equity. Calculated by (Total Assets - Total Liabilities). This is the total book value, as derived from the latest balance sheet.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Book Value Per ShareRepresents book value (proportioned common equity divided by outstanding shares) at the company's fiscal year end.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Business DescriptionRepresents the current business description.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Business Description - ExtendedReturns the long business description of a company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Chief Executive OfficerReturns the current CEO of the companyDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
CityReturns the current city where the company is headquarteredDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Company Address - Line 1Represents the current location of the corporate offices of a companyDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Company Address - Line 2Represents the current location of the corporate offices of a companyDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Company NameRepresents the legal name of the company as reported in the 10-K for U.S. companies and the annual report for non-U.S. CompaniesDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Country Of DomicileCountry code for the company's country of domicileDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
CurrencyThe currency associated with this security's fundamental types.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Dividend Ex-DateRepresents the date on or after which a buyer will no longer be entitled to the dividend declared on a share.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Dividend Yield - FiscalReturns the dividends per share divided by the fiscal period end price, multiplied by 100, for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default. This value is available on an Annual basis, at the end of a company's fiscal calendar year.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Dividends Per Share - SecurityRepresents the total dividends per share declared, including extra dividends for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
EBITDAReturns EBITDA (Operating Income Plus Depreciation & Amortization) for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Fax NumberFAX number for company as given in the latest report.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
General Industry ClassificationThis item represents the company's general industry classification. This is different from, but related to the type of financial statement template applied to the company. Valid types are Industrial, Utility, Transportation, Bank, Insurance and Other Financial. Companies with a GeneralIndustryClassification type of Industrial, Utility or Transportation will have a StatementTemplate type of Industrial. Companies with a GeneralIndustryClassification type of Bank will have a StatementTemplate type of Bank. Companies with a GeneralIndustryClassification type of Insurance will have a StatementTemplate type of Insurance. Companies with a GeneralIndustryClassification type of Other Financial will have a StatementTemplate type of OtherFinancial.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Gross Income MarginReturns gross income margin for the period and date(s) requested. This is calculated as Gross Income divided by Net Sales or Revenue multiplied by 100.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
IndustryThis item represents the FactSet industry classification of the issuing company for this security.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Investor Relations EmailRepresents the e-mail address of the investor relations contact.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Market CapitalizationThe latest close price multiplied by the number of common shares outstanding.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Market Capitalization - FiscalReturns the market value using the fiscal period-end price for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Net Income From Continuing OperationsReturns net income for the period and date(s) requested. Excludes discontinued operations. Represents income before extraordinary items and preferred and common dividends, but after operating and non-operating income and expenses, minority interest and equity in earnings.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Number of EmployeesRepresents the number of both full- and part-time employees of the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Phone NumberRepresents the phone number/fax number at which the investor relations officer can be reached.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Price To BookThe latest closing price divided by the latest book value per share (TTM).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Revenue To AssetsRevenues divided by total assets (TTM).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
SectorThis item represents the FactSet sector classification of the issuing company for this security.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Shares Held By InstitutionsRepresents the institutional ownership shares held for each equity share class.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Short Interest SharesRepresents the total number of shares of a stock that have been sold short and not yet covered. A large increase or decrease in a stock's short interest from the previous month is often considered a good indicator of investor sentiment.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
StateThe headquarters state as given in the latest report.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
State Of IncorporationCompany state of incorporation.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total AssetsRepresents the sum of total current assets, long-term receivables, investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries, other investments, net property plant and equipment, deferred tax assets, and other assets.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total DebtRepresents all interest bearing and capitalized lease obligations. It is the sum of long and short-term debt.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total Enterprise ValueReturns enterprise value for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total ExpensesRepresents the sum of all expenses related to operations.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Total LiabilitiesRepresents all short- and long-term obligations expected to be satisfied by the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Zip CodeThe postal code as given in the latest report.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
1 Year Annual Revenue Growth RateThe year-over-year percent change in annual revenue.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
10 Day Moving AverageThe sum of the previous 10 days close prices divided by 10.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
10 Week Moving AverageThe sum of the previous 10 weeks of close prices divided by the number of trade days in that 10-week period.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
200 Day Moving AverageThe sum of the previous 200 days of close prices divided by 200.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
3 Year Annual Dividend Growth RateThe Three Year Annual Dividend Growth Rate is the average of the previous three year-over-year percent changes of the annual dividends. We take the AsOfDate, go back in time three calendar years and at each date prior, we sum the quarterly or semi-annual dividends going back one year. Those three data points, which are used in the calculation are summations of previous dividends.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
3 Year Annual Revenue Growth RateThe 3-Year Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of annual revenue, this figure is derived by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate, where n is the number of years in the period (3) being considered.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
30 Week Moving AverageThe sum of the previous 30 weeks of close prices divided by the number of trade days in that 30-week period.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Day Moving AverageThe sum of the previous 5 days close prices divided by 5.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Annual Dividend Growth RateThe Five Year Annual Dividend Growth Rate is the average of the previous five year-over-year percent changes of the annual dividends. We take the AsOfDate, go back in time five calendar years and at each date prior, we sum the quarterly or semi-annual dividends going back one year. Those five data points, which are used in the calculation are summations of previous dividends.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Annual Revenue Growth RateThe 5-Year Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of annual revenue, this figure is derived by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate, where n is the number of years in the period (5) being considered.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average Net Profit MarginThe sum of the previous 5 years of net income from continuing and discontinued operations divided by the sum of the previous 5 years of revenue, expressed as percentage-data taken from the annual reports (5 Year Average).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average PERatioThe arithmetic average of the year-end P/E ratio for each of the past 5 fiscal years.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average Return On AssetsThe average of the previous 5 years of Return on Asset values, the earnings from total operations (not including extraordinary items) divided by total assets, expressed as a percentage, data taken from the annual reportsDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Average Return On Invested CapitalThe sum of the previous 5 years of Net Income from Total Operations divided by the sum of the previous 5 years Invested Capital, data taken from the annual reports (5 Year Average).DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year High PERatioFor each of the past 5 fiscal years, we calculate the following ratio: The highest price a stock had (intra-day trading) for that calendar year / that fiscal year's EPS. 5-Year High P/E is the highest of those 5 ratios.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year High PriceThe highest of all the (intra-trading day) highs during the preceding 5 years.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Low PERatioFor each of the past 5 fiscal years, we calculate the following ratio: Lowest Price a stock had (intra-day trading) for that calendar year / that fiscal years EPS. The 5-Year Low P/E is the lowest of those 5 ratios.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
5 Year Low PriceThe lowest of all the (intra-trading day) lows during the preceding 5 years.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
50 Day Moving AverageThe sum of the previous 50 days close prices divided by 50.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Auditors OpinionCode Description: 01 Not audited, 02 No audit report in abbreviated version, 03 Partial audit (not all statements audited), 04 Consolidated statements appear not to be audited, but parent company statements audited, 05 Qualified, 06 UnqualifiedDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Percent Price Change 4 WeeksThe average daily percent price change over the last 4 weeks. This value is calculated as follows: avg(abs((closing price-opening price)/opening price)) where abs() is the absolute value and avg() is the average.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Percent Volume Change 4 WeeksThe average daily percent volume change over the last 4 weeks. This value is calculated as follows: avg(abs((closing The average daily percent volume change over the last 4 weeks. This value is calculated as follows: avg(abs((volume-AverageDailyVolumeLast4weeks)/AverageDailyVolumeLast4weeks)) where abs() is the absolute value and avg() is the average.-opening price)/opening price)) where abs() is the absolute value and avg() is the average.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Valume Last 9 MonthsTotal volume for the previous 9 months divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 9 months.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 10 DaysTotal volume for the previous 10 days divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 10 days.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 12 MonthsTotal volume for the previous 12 months divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 12 months.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 13 WeeksTotal volume for the previous 13 weeks divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 13 weeks.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 2 WeeksTotal volume for the previous 2 weeks divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 2 weeks.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 20 DaysTotal volume for the previous 20 days divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 20 days.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 26 WeeksTotal volume for the previous 26 weeks divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 26 weeks.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 3 MonthsTotal volume for the previous 3 months divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 3 months.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 4 WeekTotal volume for the previous 4 weeks divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 4 weeks.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 52 WeeksTotal volume for the previous 52 weeks divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 52 weeks.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last 6 MonthsTotal volume for the previous 6 months divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous 6 months.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume Last MonthTotal volume for the previous month divided by the actual number of trade days of the previous month.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Average Daily Volume YTDTotal volume for the current year divided by the actual number of trade days of the current year.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
BetaThe coefficient which measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 3 years (however much is available) historical regression of the daily returns on the stock onto the daily returns on the S&P 500: Ri = a + b(Rm) + e where Ri is the monthly total returns on the stock, a is the stock's Alpha, b is the stock's Beta (this fundamental), Rmis the monthly total returns on the market (S&P 500), and e is a random error term. A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down move in the stock. A beta coefficient of 2 suggests that the stock will tend to fluctuate twice as much as the market. That is, if the market moves up 5%, then the stock should move up 10%. A beta coefficient of 0.5 indicates that the stock will move one-half as much as the market, either up or down. A negative beta indicates the stock tends to move in the opposite direction from the general market. That is, the stock price declines when the overall market is rising, or rises when the overall market is declining. Negative beta stocks are rare. A beta of 0 means there is no correlation between the stock and the market. Note that this value may be different than the other Beta valuesDAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Beta 12 MonthThe coefficient which measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a 12-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500: Ri = a + b(Rm) + e where Ri is the monthly total returns on the stock, a is the stock's Alpha, b is the stock's Beta, Rmis the monthly total returns on the market (S&P 500), and e is a random error term. A minimum of 12 monthly returns are required for this calculation. A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down move in the stock. A beta coefficient of 2 suggests that the stock will tend to fluctuate twice as much as the market. That is, if the market moves up 5%, then the stock should move up 10%. A beta coefficient of 0.5 indicates that the stock will move one-half as much as the market, either up or down. A negative beta indicates the stock tends to move in the opposite direction from the general market. That is, the stock price declines when the overall market is rising, or rises when the overall market is declining. Negative beta stocks are rare.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Beta 24 MonthThe coefficient which measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a 24-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500: Ri = a + b(Rm) + e where Ri is the monthly total returns on the stock, a is the stock's Alpha, b is the stock's Beta, Rmis the monthly total returns on the market (S&P 500), and e is a random error term. A minimum of 12 monthly returns are required for this calculation. A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down move in the stock. A beta coefficient of 2 suggests that the stock will tend to fluctuate twice as much as the market. That is, if the market moves up 5%, then the stock should move up 10%. A beta coefficient of 0.5 indicates that the stock will move one-half as much as the market, either up or down. A negative beta indicates the stock tends to move in the opposite direction from the general market. That is, the stock price declines when the overall market is rising, or rises when the overall market is declining. Negative beta stocks are rare.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Beta 36 MonthThe coefficient which measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a 36-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500: Ri = a + b(Rm) + e where Ri is the monthly total returns on the stock, a is the stock's Alpha, b is the stock's Beta, Rmis the monthly total returns on the market (S&P 500), and e is a random error term. A minimum of 12 monthly returns are required for this calculation. A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down move in the stock. A beta coefficient of 2 suggests that the stock will tend to fluctuate twice as much as the market. That is, if the market moves up 5%, then the stock should move up 10%. A beta coefficient of 0.5 indicates that the stock will move one-half as much as the market, either up or down. A negative beta indicates the stock tends to move in the opposite direction from the general market. That is, the stock price declines when the overall market is rising, or rises when the overall market is declining. Negative beta stocks are rare.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Beta 60 MonthThe coefficient which measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a 60-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500: Ri = a + b(Rm) + e where Ri is the monthly total returns on the stock, a is the stock's Alpha, b is the stock's Beta, Rmis the monthly total returns on the market (S&P 500), and e is a random error term. A minimum of 12 monthly returns are required for this calculation. A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down move in the stock. A beta coefficient of 2 suggests that the stock will tend to fluctuate twice as much as the market. That is, if the market moves up 5%, then the stock should move up 10%. A beta coefficient of 0.5 indicates that the stock will move one-half as much as the market, either up or down. A negative beta indicates the stock tends to move in the opposite direction from the general market. That is, the stock price declines when the overall market is rising, or rises when the overall market is declining. Negative beta stocks are rare.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cash & Equivalents - GenericReturns cash and equivalents for the period and the dates requested in local currency by default. This represents Cash and Due from Banks excluding Restricted Cash for Banks, Cash excluding Restricted Cash for Insurance companies, and Cash and Short-Term Investments excluding Restricted Cash for all other industries.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cash Flow Per ShareReturns the current cash flow per share. This is calculated as Funds from Operations divided by Common Shares Outstanding.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Cash Per ShareRepresents money available for use in the normal operations of the company. It is the most liquid of all of the company's assets.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Common Shares Used to Calculate EPS - Fully DilutedRepresents the average annual number of shares used by the company in computing its fully diluted earnings per share from the Income Statement, if reported by the company.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Current RatioReturns the current ratio for the period and date(s) requested in local currency by default.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Current Revenue Per EmployeeThe TTM revenue divided by the latest employee number.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL
Daily Volume As Percent Of 10 Day Average VolumeVolume from the latest trading session divided by the average volume for the previous 10 days, expressed as a percentage.DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY,QUARTERLY,SEMIANNUAL,TTM,ANNUAL