The Money.Net Ribbon

The Money.Net Ribbon

Using the Money.Net Ribbon

Once the plug-in has been properly installed, you can also access the real time and historical formulas directly instead of referencing the sheet that we have already made.

The simplest way to utilize the Money.Net Excel Add-in is to use the Money.Net Ribbon. This will help you to quickly get the data that you want into your spreadsheet with minimal formula editing. The Money.Net ribbon will appear at the top of the Excel sheet in the menu section that contains File, Home, etc. You can see what it looks like to the right.

To insert a Real Time, Historical, Economic Field, Commodity, News, or Tools formula, simply click on an empty cell in Excel. Then click on the appropriate button in the ribbon and navigate the menu structure to select your desired data point. Once the formula has been entered, you can modify the functions to your desired symbol, start and end dates, etc.

You can also see a quick explanation of the Money.Net Ribbon in the fourth worksheet of the sample document, titled Ribbon explanation.

Note: If you do not see the ribbon after installing the add-in, please contact support@money.net.

Function Builder

The Function Builder is one of the easiest places to start if you are unfamiliar with the name of a data field or are unsure of what data fields may be available for a symbol or asset type.

Template Library

The Template Library contains several downloadable pre-made worksheets that are powered by Money.Net data and the Excel Add-in.

Using the Search, you can launch pages in your default browser that will allow you to search for the available Real Time Fields, Historical Fields, Economic Fields, and Commodity Fields.

Default Ticker

When you use the Money.Net ribbon to insert a function, it will look to this field to automatically fill in the ticker symbol.  You can replace it by typing any valid Money.Net symbol and pressing the enter/return key.

Real Time Data Fields

Real Time data will follow the function format:

where SYMBOL needs to be replaced with the preferred Money.Net ticker symbol and Field needs to be replaced with one of the real time data field names below.

Note: The quotes need to remain in place if you are typing the Ticker/DataField in directly. They need to be removed if you are instead referring to another cell that contains the text.


Click here for a list of all available Real Time Fields

example: To find the last trade size for Apple, you would use:
=RealtimeData(“AAPL”,”Last Trade Size”)

 Historical Time Series Fields

 Historical data will follow the function format:
=HistoricalData(“SYMBOL”,”Field”,”Start”, “End”, “Frequency”)

where SYMBOL needs to be replaced with the preferred Money.Net ticker symbol, Field needs to be replaced with one of the historical data field names below, Start needs to be replaced with your beginning date, End needs to be replaced with your ending date, andFrequency needs to be replaced with a frequency option mentioned below.

Note: The quotes need to remain in place if you are typing the Ticker/DataField in directly. They need to be removed if you are instead referring to another cell that contains the text.


Click here for a list of all available Historical Fields and frequencies.

The available frequency options for Historical Stock Data are: 
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Quarterly

The available frequency options for Historical Fundamental Data are: 
Annual, Annual (As Reported), Quarterly, Quarterly (As Reported), Trailing Twelve Months, Trailing Twelve Months (As Reported), Annual (Most Recent), Quarterly (Most Recent), Trailing Twelve Months (Most Recent)


example: To find the daily historical close price for Apple from 2/16/2016 to 5/16/2016 , you would use:


This menu contains a subset of the Real Time Fields and Historical Fields that involve only fundamental data.

Ratings + Estimates

This menu contains the functions associated with Analyst Price Targets and EPS estimates for U.S. equities.


This menu contains the functions associated with Insider Transactions for U.S. equities.

Economic Data

Economic Fields uses a similar format to Historical data:
=HistoricalData(“FIELD”,”COUNTRY”,”Start”, “End”, “Frequency”)

where FIELD needs to be replaced with one of the preferred economic fields mentioned below, COUNTRY needs to be replaced with one of the country codes mentioned below, Start needs to be replaced with your beginning dateEnd needs to be replaced with your ending date, and Frequency needs to be replaced with a frequency option mentioned below.

Note: The quotes need to remain in place if you are typing the Ticker/DataField in directly. They need to be removed if you are instead referring to another cell that contains the text.

Click here for a list of all available Money.Net economic fields and country codes.  It is highly suggested for ease of use that you use the ribbon functions to choose your economic field and then simply modify the dates.

The available frequency options for Common Economic Fields are: 
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Quarterly

example: To find the 30-Year Treasury (Constant Maturity Rate) from 5/18/2011 to 5/18/2016, you would use:

=HistoricalData("30-YEAR TREASURY CONSTANT MATURITY RATE","USA","5/18/2011","5/18/2016","Yearly")

Commodity Fields

Common Commodities uses a similar format to Historical data:
=HistoricalData(“FIELD”,””,”Start”, “End”, “Frequency”)

where FIELD needs to be replaced with one of the preferred commodity fields mentioned below, The second set of quotes should remain blank,Start needs to be replaced with your beginning dateEnd needs to be replaced with your ending date, and Frequency needs to be replaced with a frequency option mentioned below.

Note: The quotes need to remain in place if you are typing the Ticker/DataField in directly. They need to be removed if you are instead referring to another cell that contains the text.

Click here for a list of all available Money.Net commodity fields. It is highly suggested for ease of use that you use the ribbon functions to choose your economic field and then simply modify the dates.

The available frequency options for Commodity Fields are:
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Quarterly

example: To find Baltic Dry Index from 5/18/2011 to 5/18/2016, you would use:

=HistoricalData("Baltic Dry Index","","5/18/2011","5/18/2016","Yearly")


News uses the following format:

where SYMBOL needs to be replaced with the preferred Money.Net ticker symbol, and Field needs to be replaced with a news field option mentioned below.

Note: The quotes need to remain in place if you are typing the Ticker/DataField in directly. They need to be removed if you are instead referring to another cell that contains the text.

 Click here for a list of all available Money.Net news fields.

example: To find the latest headline for APPL, you would use:


Stock Screener

This menu contains a variety of preset screens generated with our Money.Net Screening tools.

Calendar + Reports

This menu contains quick access to the text formats of the Dividends, and Earnings Calendars.

Contact Support

This button launches the Money.Net support page.  You will be able to submit requests via the form there or chat live with a product specialist.


This menu contains links to the Excel Add-in Support Guide and Symbology Guide.


This menu contains toggles for the Real-Time Fields and Historical Fields that have modifiers associated.  Once applied, functions inserted via the ribbon will add the modifying text needed automatically.


This button will allow you to view the version of the Excel Add-in that you currently have installed.

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