Excel Add-in Installation

Excel Add-in Installation

For no additional fee, as a Money.Net subscriber you can have historical time series, along with live real time market prices feeding your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Follow the simple instructions below to install.

System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, or later
  • Microsoft Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, or later
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later*

Installation Instructions

2. Run the Money.Net Excel Add-In Installer or find and launch the file from your Downloads folder. The file should be named MoneyNet_Excel_Add-In_v###.exe (where ### is the current version number).

If you do not see the Money.Net Add-in Ribbon at the top of the platform or you do not receive a prompt to log in when you try to get data from the Money.Net add-in, you will need to perform the manual installation.

Manual Excel Add-in Installation

If you have any questions or problems, please call +1 (888) 860-4800 or email support@money.net.

*.NET framework is available for free download here.

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